SEC Now tries on the Butch Jones haircut
September 28, 2016
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September 30, 2016Tennessee School of Beauty Wants to Ensure Smooth Transition for Students of Now-Closed Regency Beauty Institute
In the wake of Regency Beauty Institute shuttering all 79 campuses nationwide, including Knoxville, Tennessee School of Beauty (TSB) wants to ensure Regency students are able to complete their educations.
Adam Brown, TSB owner, says he wants to help Regency students by waiving the registration fee, providing a $1,000 scholarship per student and accepting all transfer hours.
“I was sad to learn Regency Beauty Institute has closed and I’m troubled that their students were left in the lurch,” Brown said. “I’m proud that TSB has set the standard for cosmetology education for more than 86 years and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure these students get the opportunity to finish their cosmetology education and fulfill their dream of becoming salon professionals.”
Brown adds that since he has been in the business more than 10 cosmetology schools in East Tennessee have closed, including two in the past three months.
Regency Beauty Institute students interested in learning more about TSB are welcome to call the school at 865.588.7878 or visit TSB’s web site at www.tennesseeschoolofbeauty.edu.